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Mineral Healing Properties N to Z

To support you in your stones selection, Karen has lovingly summarized some of the stone qualities listed in Melody’s book, The Crystal and Mineral Encyclopedia. Please remember that what you find below is just a summary, and there is more to be gained by perusing the Encyclopedia. If you would like to purchase one of Melody’s books, click here.

Please use your intuition and guidance as you make your selection, and do remember that stones are a complimentary therapy, and never more powerful than the user, nor are they a substitute for medical treatment.



Natrolite is a member of the Zeolite group. In addition to the properties listed in Zeolite, it assists in feeling one’s inherent essence, life purpose, and true Light! It helps one to attune to the self, the mineral kingdom, the Earth, and Universal energies. It promotes contact with the spiritual self just prior to birth, before the spirit enters the body, and thus can make the re-birth healing process gentler. It has been used to overcome the fear of water, to treat swelling, water retention, and arteriosclerosis.

Nebula Stone
Nebula Stone has been used to maintain freedom from the rigid and the orthodox belief structure that diminishes the faculties of invention and discovery. It assists one in realizing that he/she is a creature full of the power of the mind, and subsequently frees the mind from the bonds of fear. It stimulates kindness to the self. It has been used in the treatment of macular degeneration and bronchitis.

Nundoorite, per Melody, is a combination of Andalusite, Quartz, and Epidote. It instills forgiveness of others in all matters, and its energy supports one in not repeating the same lessons. It stimulates hindsight prior to the passing of events, and subsequently reduces both failures and disappointments. It assists one in manifesting the “chameleon effect” when desired, promoting the blending with the environment when one wishes to remain unnoticed. It has been used to assist one in seeking cures for the self and by the self! It has been used as a free-radical scavenger and to support the reduction of morbidity after major surgery.

Nuummit provides for grounding. It is useful in removing energy blockages and is an excellent energy source. It possesses a defending quality and has acted as an excellent preventive energy which will shield one from many forms of negative energy. It stimulates the powers of the intellect, enhancing memory, and promoting recall of relevant information when required. It’s also useful to relieve pain and discomfort associated with headaches.

Obsidian reflects one’s flaws and gives a clear image of how to change them. It reflects the strength, power, protection, solace, and light hidden within the darkness. It is a grounding and protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies. It clears unloving thoughts which are directed at oneself and provides a shield against negativity. It is very useful in healing, providing clarity regarding the cause and cure of the specific disease.  View our Obsidian here.

Okenite is a member of the Zeolite group. In addition to the properties listed in Zeolite, Okenite assists in accepting the conscious manifestation of one’s Higher Self, bringing an end to inhibiting denials. It promotes the correction of faulty patterns and assists in the maintenance of truthfulness. It promotes stamina and an open mind in all endeavors. It produces an understanding of one’s current circumstances by bringing recognition to karmic debts and learning situations which one has previously agreed to.

Onyx is an excellent stone for initiating the processes of centering and alignment of the total self with the higher powers. It banishes grief, enhances self-control, stimulates decision-making, and encourages happiness and good fortune. It assists one in seeing the duality of one’s nature, synthesizing the yin and yang into the whole. It assists one in becoming the master of one’s own future.

Opal Aura Quartz
Opal Aura is Quartz that has been plated with Platinum. In addition to the properties listed in Quartz and Platinum, Opal Aura has a very intense and strong energy of its own. It cleanses the aura and acts to stimulate, to balance and cleanse all the chakras. This balance is uniquely related to the body. It is used to access the personal etheric realm, where information about balance in this lifetime can be tapped. It is a “stone of romance and love” acting to bring both to one’s life.

Opal, General
Opal assists one in feeling the creativity within, providing inspiration and imagination in all circumstances. It enhances memory and instills faithfulness and loyalty in relationships. It assists one in becoming invisible when one does not wish to be noticed. It is a stone of “happy dreams and happy changes”. It awakens psychic and mystical properties furthering one’s intuition to support self-development. Its changing play of color reflects the illusory nature of the physical world, while stabilizing one in the moment. It treats disorders of the vision and eyes, while strengthening the eyes, regulates insulin production, and stimulates circulatory function. It provides comfort and ease during childbirth.

Orpiment can be used to stimulate the intellect and to assist one in reasoning capabilities, stimulating the “logic” energies of the mind. It can encourage dreaming, such that dreams are of the angelic realm bringing guidance. It is a “stone of change”. It’s an excellent stimulant for those studying for examinations and for investigating any course of action; analysis is a key factor of this energy. Useful in removing unwanted cholesterol.

Pallasite is an achondrite meteorite (one of three classes of meteorite), and only 1% of all meteorites lie within this classification. Their composition is generally an iron/nickel metal with stone (olivine). Our pendants today contain the metal aspect of this meteorite. Pallasite was named in the 1700’s by P. Pallas, a German scholar. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Meteorite.

Peridot stimulates the 3rd and 4th chakra, emitting a warm and friendly energy. It assists in the quest for enlightenment, allowing one to recognize detrimental patterns that inhibit growth. It heals a “bruised” ego, by lessening anger or jealousy and inspiring happiness within the self and delight in one’s life. It is an excellent healing stone, acting as a “tonic” to both strengthen and regenerate the body.

Petalite is a “stone of the angels”, furthering angelic connection and alliance with spiritual guides. It is a “stone of Earth-grounding” and high spirituality assisting one to stay grounded during spiritual work. It improves meditation, wrapping a loving energy around the user. It is a protective stone, rendering negative energy impotent, and a bestower of goodness. It activates all chakras and provides a continual source of energy to the body. It calms disorderly energy within the body and emotions and treats cancer.

Petoskey Stone
Petoskey Stone helps one towards psychic awareness and enhances the awareness of the emotions. It provides protection around the head and also energizes both the crown chakra and third-eye. This stone can promote actualization to one’s creative endeavors. It also discourages infections. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Coral and Fossils.

Petrified Peanut Wood
Petrified Peanut Wood is from Western Australia and is from the Cretaceous Age: 70 – 120 million years old. It was originally an Araucaria tree which fell to the sea and was “drilled” by woodborers, similar to mussels. The holes were replaced by Mookaite Jasper. In addition to the properties of Chalcedony, Jasper, and Mookaite, it assists in the organization of one’s life, business, all paperwork, and income taxes! It assists in weight loss and amelioration of carbohydrate intake. It is combative to both mold and fungus. It has been an effective energy to place in both humid environments (mold) and in desert vicinities (fungus).

Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood is a “stone of transformation”, initiating ascension to a higher level of self. It provides access to and explicit information concerning past lives. It eliminates worries, grounding one and provides strength in all areas of one’s life. It strengthens the back and provides alignment to the skeletal structure of the body. It provides insight into the cause of dis-ease so this “learning” may never need repeating.

Phenacite is an expansive mineral, activating the third eye and allowing that energy to flow throughout the body, enhancing an awareness of the complete cellular structure. It brings the way of love and heavenly being into one’s physical reality. It facilitates deep meditation providing knowledge of the functions of the chakras. It is a “stone for gathering” producing a synergistic effect of all stone’s used within a healing, to magnify the healing.

Phlogopite is a member of the biotite mica sub-group and exhibits pleochroism of brown-red, brown – green, and yellow. In addition to the properties listed in Mica and Biotite, phlogopite has been used to bring in the energy of the 4 Directions, along with Mother Earth and Father Sky. The energy of this stone expedites revolution and evolution on all levels imparting a realization of the suitable paths to completion. It generates flexibility in perception and facilitates the integration of all which has transpired, is transpiring, and will transpire. This consciousness can then be reflected in one’s life. It can strengthen channeling activities and remove spiritual blockages and relieve mental anguish. It has been used to relieve back pain, to stimulate muscular relaxation, to promote the assimilation of Mg, Fe, and K, and alleviate the symptoms of mononucleosis. It assists in the integrity of the teeth and the bone structure.

Pietersite contains the “keys to the kingdom of heaven” dispelling illusion and allowing one to recognize the beauty of one’s soul, self, and world. It aligns the energy centers while providing grounding to the etheric body, facilitating travel throughout the spheres of existence. It allows one to see beyond the mirage, providing courage, tenacity, and dauntless effort to create and maintain beauty. It stimulates the pituitary gland providing the regulation of other endocrine glands to produce the proper quantity of hormones.

Pink Opal
Pink Opal is a “stone for renewal”, renewing the sacred relationship between the self and All That Is. It assists in releasing old patterns, deepening insights into psychological issues, and purifying the mind and heart. It is a “stone of spiritual awakening”, bringing to the user the creative aspects of the universe. It activates inner healing on all levels and treats diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Prehnite is a member of the Zeolite group. In addition to the properties listed in Zeolite, Prehnite is a “stone for dreaming and remembering”. It enhances meditation and one’s ability for Divine prophecy. It can be used to multiply energy and enhance one’s protective fields. It teaches one to “always be prepared”. It treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder, connective tissue, and anemia.

Prehnite with Flowers
Prehnite from Australia sometimes contains beautiful radiating groups or bud-like formations of white crystals. The trade name of this material is Flower Sunjade. These white crystals are prehnite which is a pseudomorph after another mineral exhibiting the radiating crystalline structure. The pseudomorph process was so complete that there is no trace of the original mineral remaining. Prehnite with Flowers” assists one in “leaving behind” the old (especially crises and particular people) and “getting-on” with the new. The energy brings the ability for finality such that one “needs never look back”. It is effective in the treatment of PTSD, to assist in the release of issues remaining from childhood and onward, where one did not allow the release of trauma. It is a “stone of romance” and holds the energy and beauty of giving everlasting flowers. It connects the heart and crown chakras, elevating and furthering romantic pursuits. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Prehnite.

Preseli Stone
Preseli Stone is composed of Feldspar, Chlorite, Biotite, Diopside, Ilmenite and Quartz. In addition to the properties of these stones, Preseli Stone is said to represent the night sky filled with stars, and to bring the highest blessings of the universe to the user. It holds the energies of Stonehenge, Camelot, and the Vortex of Carn Meini in Wales. It enhances poetry, music, and the arts. It dispels melancholy, brings honesty, trustworthiness, and peace.

Prophecy Stone
Prophecy Stone’s (from Naishe Ahsian) are a pseudomorph of Limonite/Hematite replacing Marcasite/Pyrite, thus carrying all the energies of the former 2 minerals. They also contain many trace minerals, making them a rare composition. They are found in a remote desert area of Egypt and were named by the man who discovered them after he experienced a “prophetic vision” while meditating with one of them. Prophecy Stones are one of the most powerful of all minerals for grounding spiritual Light into the physical body, balancing the energies of Earth and Sky. They stimulate the third eye and crown chakras to facilitate communications from other realms, and when used consistently, to bring forth guidance on practical matters. They are powerful allies in shamanic work and support all types of energetic healing. They are excellent tools for releasing cellular toxins and can support the body through chemotherapy and radiation to help slow the spread of cancers.

Psilomelane can help one to redirect energy and to analyze one’s own patterns of emotional thinking and development, stimulating remedial actions for over-emotional states. It can be used to correct unwanted, unloving behavior patterns and emotional reactions. This mineral provides for a smooth state of meditation. It assists in the regulation of the proper flow of insulin to the blood stream and treats chronic inflammatory conditions of the skin.

Purple Jadeite
Purple Jadeite is a “stone appropriate for kings and gods”. It enhances expressiveness, intelligence, perception, and assists one to be adept at that which is chosen. It assists one in attaining the royal realm of comfort and elegance, providing for stabilization via grounding to the limitless resources of the universe. It is excellent for the stimulation, opening, and cleansing of the crown chakra. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Jade & Jadeite.

Purpurite is an “imperial stone”, providing for expedient manifestation. It assists one to break out of old patterns. It supports one in speaking and acting with confidence and freedom, while providing protection from interfering energies as one expresses one’s ideals. It increases spiritual aspirations, provides one with freedom from the material world, and rids one of undue modesty. It has been used in the treatment of hemorrhages, bruises, and superficial wounds.

Pyrite is an extremely protective stone which reflects all types of negativities. It viscerally feels like a shield radiating rays of shining energy, as it represents the warmth and lasting presence of the sun. It stimulates the powers of the intellect and enhances memory and concentration. It promotes and sustains perfection in health, intellect, and emotional well-being.

Pyrite-included Quartz
Pyrite-included quartz is one of the “Grand Formation” stones used in Lemurian healing ceremonies. It is a “stone of manifestation, prompting the manifestation of abundance in one’s life. It also quickens one’s evolution and increases self-reliance, self-intention, and self-direction. It assists one in the furtherance of the enlightenment of the planet. It relieves colds, flus, and head, back, and muscular aches. It can be used in the elimination of the infestations of spiders/insects.

Pyrolusite can transform and transmute one’s physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It can reconstruct one’s life and acts to heal any areas of disturbance during this conversion. It is a “stone for changing and stabilizing” relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances. It assists in accessing the cause of a problem so that the removal of it can bring about a solution. It repels negativity. Used in the treatment of bronchitis, regulation of the metabolism, and strengthening the walls of the veins.

Pyromorphite is a “stone of victory”, instilling the thought process to initiate vigor in bringing conquest, success, and mastery to one’s goals (physical, mental, and spiritual). It enhances the energy of the stones around it for use in healing. It stimulates personal energy and brings freshness in attitude and direction. It dispels microorganisms in the blood, aids assimilation of B-vitamins, and alleviates chills.

Quartz is the most abundant mineral on this planet and its properties are just as profuse. Clear quartz holds the vibration of white light and thus carries the energy of all 7 rainbow rays of color. It energizes all chakras bringing healing on all levels. It brings the energy of the stars into the soul. It is known as a stone of power, harmonizing, and aligning human energies (thoughts, consciousness, and emotions) with that of the universe, making these greater energies available to humanity. It has been used by many cultures for meditation, purification, spiritual development, and diagnostic healing. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the circulatory system. It has been used to treat vertigo, dizziness, and emotional stability.

Quartz, 7 Color Rainbow Quartz/Anandalite/Aurora Quartz
7 Color Rainbow Quartz displays the power of quantum consciousness. It immerses one in bliss consciousness and allows one to experience timelessness. It facilitates kundalini awakening at the highest level, while releasing emotional blockages that prevent spiritual awakening. To cleanse, purify, and rebalance all chakras, sweep from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and back to the feet.

Que-Sera is a stone of “uninterruptible power supply”. It supports one in being “on” no matter what the circumstances. It is an excellent energy for groups and organizations. It is a “stone of the Angel of Air” bringing sparkle to the eyes, a shine to life and a substance to aspirations. It is a panacea for difficult situations and behaviors. Que-Sera assists in understanding emotions. It furthers one to take risks and guides one to avoid consequences.

Rainbow Hematite
Rainbow Hematite is a rare form of Hematite that was found in Brazil in the late 1990’s and exhibits rainbow colors over the surface of the Hematite. There has been no further production since then. It stimulates the movement of the Kundalini through each of the chakras. It has further assisted one to see through the “darkness” of any situation to the “light” of solution, gaining the mind-set and the understanding that “there is really no problem” except for the problem of one’s own mind-set. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Hematite.

Rainbow Obsidian
Rainbow Obsidian can be used for “gazing”, esp. in the areas of love matters, relationships, romance, and self-development. It brings loving answers to all questions. It is a “stone of pleasure”, bringing both gratification and enjoyment to one’s life. The location where this mineral is placed becomes a vortex of renewal and rejuvenation. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Obsidian.

Rhodochrosite is the “stone of love and balance” affecting all levels of one’s being. It allows one to figuratively dance in love while creating the world of one’s dreams. It balances emotional and mental processes as well as male/female attributes and provides understanding regarding the nature of duality. It is a stone for Earth healing allowing the recognition of joy in this service.  View our Rhodochrosite here.

Rhodonite synthesizes one’s attunement to spirituality and the Earth plane, promoting calm assurance in all activities. It is a “stone of love”, activating the heart chakra and resonating unconditional love to the physical plane. It assists one in achieving their greatest potential, while dispelling anxiety and promoting coherence during chaotic situations. It warns one of fraud in dealings.

Rhodusite is a Magnesium riebeckite and has the following properties. It can alter situations that inhibit one’s growth. It brings friendship and cheerfulness. It assists in the study and performance of mathematics. It provides guidance and insight into puzzling situations, while encouraging one’s inherent problem-solving abilities. It reminds one not to overextend oneself on all levels. It has been used in the treatment of dyslexia, mental confusion, learning disabilities, and physical instability.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a “stone of gentle love”, releasing negativity from all the chakras while reinstating self-love. It teaches that there is no need for haste, bringing calmness and clarity to the emotions and harmony to the mind. The energy is soft and silky, producing a gentleness from without and within the user. It is an excellent stone for spiritual attunement to the energy of love. It has excellent energy for healing emotional wounds. It rejuvenates both the physical body and the emotional system.

Ruby stimulates the heart chakra grounding love into the physical plane. It stimulates one’s loving and emotional side toward nurturing, health, knowledge, wealth, and sharing spiritual wisdom. It supports the release of martyrdom, making the choice to suffer or not accessible. Ruby has excellent shielding properties, protecting on all levels. It stabilizes wealth.

Rutile is a “stone for stabilization”, of relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances. It assists in getting to the root of a problem and provides access to the reason for a disease so the situation can be remedied. It dispels unwanted interference from both the physical and spiritual worlds. It helps regulate mother’s milk, and to stimulate sexuality when consciously directed.

Sagenite received its name from the Latin word meaning “large fishing net” and the Greek word meaning “net”. This name is used to describe a complex reticulated (net-like), twinned intergrowth of acicular (needle-like) minerals, such as Rutile, Tourmaline, Actinolite Epidote, etc., enclosed in quartz (or chalcedony/agate). Sometimes a vacant structure of the acicular mineral may also be present. In addition to the properties of the enclosed acicular mineral, and quartz-like enclosure, Sagenite is a “stone of wisdom”. It provides guidance with respect to the painless way to learn the lessons in this incarnation. It acts like a net to snare and remove “muddy” areas in the aura. It provides acute mental discernment and enhancement of the practical side of one’s nature and encourages deliberate action via the exquisite art of kindness. Placing another stone on Sagenite cleanses and clears the stone. Sagenite is a very protective stone, especially during pregnancy.

Sapphire is a “stone of prosperity”, sustaining the gifts of life and fulfilling the dreams and desires of the consciousness. It brings joy and peace of mind, opening the mind to beauty and intuition. It focuses and radiates energy without conscious initiation. It rids one of unwanted thoughts and eliminates frustrations. Sapphire comes in many colors and can be used intuitively on the body during healing.

Sardonyx promotes happiness in marriage, allowing one to realize the delight in living. It attracts friends and good fortune. It encourages self-control and courage and diminishes hesitation. It is a “stone of virtue” stimulating virtuous conduct throughout the many facets of one’s live. It treats narcolepsy and an uncontrolled temper.

Scapolite assists in delving into areas deep within the self to find solutions to both present and past problems. It encourages independence and initiative in one’s life. It provides impetus to change and supports growth in any area chosen, bringing stamina and clarity for the attainment of this goal. It has been used in the treatment of bone disorders and vein constrictions and in the increased assimilation of calcium. It has been used in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, and dyslexia. It provides relief from discomforts in the shoulders and upper chest.

Schalenblende is a combination of Galena, Marcasite, and Sphalerite. In addition to the properties of these stones, it is a “stone of peace”, stimulating peace to where it is directed and understanding between people who would not normally communicate. It is an excellent stone for protection, and grounds one to both the stabilizing energies of the Earth and to the universal connectivity of All That Is.

Scheelite stimulates the female energies and can be used to balance excessive male tendencies. It aligns the 7 chakras, enhancing the recognition and communication of the need of each chakra. It integrates the Higher Self with the sub-conscious self, which is extremely valuable for self-growth! It facilitates punctuality, and timely delivery of a product. Used in the treatment of the disorders of the lower back and male reproductive system.

Scolecite emanates an energy which expedites the creation of cohesiveness in relationships and organizations - it furthers the action of the “team spirit”. It assists in accessing the basis of a problem and serves to support the transformation of the heart to love. This mineral enables one to exhibit control of one’s life, promoting the actualization of the preferred reality. It assists in the dissipation of blood clots and enhances circulation.

Selenite with Copper Crystals
Selenite with Copper Crystals was found in the Mission Mine of AZ in 1966! It has never been found anywhere else in the world since. Miners were blasting the north pit. A geologist saw these specimens from the blasting and told the miners on the shift to collect it. When the next shift came on, another geologist said it would damage the mining equipment and they should destroy it. A few miners collected a few hundred pounds, but the rest was buried and is now under thousands of feet of debris. Another wonderful feature of this story is that Melody wrote about these specimens specifically on pages 724 – 725 of her Encyclopedia. In addition to the properties of Copper and Selenite, Copper in Selenite is known as the “Venus of alchemists”, supporting life, and bringing the powers of transmutation. It has been used for “gazing” (scrying) to access intelligence from the astral plane and the Akashic Records, and to better understand the Inner (sub-conscious) Self. It has also been used for sending and receiving messages (telepathically). It is quite useful in determining the cause of dis-ease. It has been used in the treatment of disorders and pain relief in the areas of the intestines, pancreas, and bronchial tubes. It ameliorates disorders related to the veins and the flow of blood. As a special bonus, it can be used to activate other minerals by holding the Cu/selenite in one’s dominant hand, while moving the fingers across it in a spiral motion, while holding the stone one wishes to activate in the other hand.

Selenite acts as a sharp sword of awareness, cutting thru unconscious assumptions and promoting re-connection with the Higher Self. It provides flexibility to one’s nature and strength to one’s decisions. It provides clarity of mind and access to past and future lives. It assists in business pursuits. It aligns the spine and provides flexibility in the muscular structure.

Septarian Nodule
Septarian nodule gives much support to aspects of physical life. It instills patience, endurance, and toleration while supporting one in “being present” and prepared for life’s activities. It enhances the gift of public speaking. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Calcite, as Septarian Nodule generally contains Calcite.
Serafina/Serafinite is a chlorite mineral from Russia also referred to as clinochlore. It imparts the vibrations and wisdom of the angels and heals and soothes on all levels. It clears the heart chakra while concurrently promoting protection and love. It promotes understanding about the stages of one’s life and gives insights for further fulfillment. It also assists in weight loss, melting fat away.

Serpentine enhances the meditative state, stimulating the crown chakra and clearing the clouded areas in any of the chakras. It opens the pathway thru which Kundalini may travel, assisting in its rise. Placement of Serpentine at the crown chakra initiates the Kundalini movement. With conscious direction, it stabilizes disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and mental structure. It treats diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Shattuckite acts with clarity and sweetness of spirit to bring one’s actions to consciousness, so they can be analyzed to see if they further one’s progress on the path. It can be used to reshape one’s reality, thus providing for growth in the direction of one’s choice. It has been used extensively for connection to and understanding of the elements: air and water. It can be used to assist in the coagulation of blood.

Shiva lingam
Shiva Lingam is a river tumbled jasper from the Narmada River in India and is a “stone of Kundalini”, the secret serpent energy at the base of the spine. It can be used to raise the Kundalini energy thru the chakras, imparting a super-conscious state. It represents the cosmic energies of creation and manifestation, balancing the masculine and feminine energies. It is an excellent stone for meditation, spiritual growth, and healing. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Jasper.

Shungite is a carbon-based mineral but contains all the elements on the Periodic Table! (Judy Hall) It has been used in the purification of water and the body. It also clears out mental/emotional pollutants so fresh patterns can imprint. (JH) It provides protection and is useful to help with rescue during an environmental disaster. It provides protection and recovery from radiation and EMF’s. Shungite has been used to generate new cell growth, treat disorders of mobility, toxins in the body and chills.

Silver Sheen Obsidian
Silver Sheen Obsidian can be used for “gazing”, providing information concerning the “root” of the problem or situation. It assists in bringing one “the great advantage” in life. It can be used as a mirror to the soul to guide one in personal actualization. It enhances patience and perseverance in the tasks chosen. It is useful in astral travel, as it provides a strong connection between the physical and astral bodies, assuring that one may always “come home”. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Obsidian.

Smithsonite promotes the celebration of new beginnings. Additionally, it provides energies conducive to pleasantness, charm, kindliness, and favorable outcomes. It strengthens one’s abilities in the psychic realm, providing for clairvoyance and clairsentience. It enhances leadership skills, and remedies uncomfortable situations. It has been used in the treatment of the immune system, alcoholism, osteoporosis, and sinus and digestive disorders. It renews and maintains the elasticity of the veins.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz dissolves negative energies. It is an excellent grounding and protection stone, providing for an encompassing barrier of energy around the user. It is a “stone of cooperation” stimulating the unification of energies directed towards the same goal. It improves communication and dissolves mental and emotional blockages which limit perception and learning. It promotes personal pride and joy in living. It relieves disorders of the hands and feet.

Smoky Quartz with Hot Spots
Smoky Quartz with Hot Spots activates the throat chakra, while providing grounding. It allows one to think prior to speaking thus furthering consciousness in speech. When one is drawn to this type of crystal, it is time to seek both the truth and the actualization of the self, allowing analytical intuition and intuitive analysis to find their places in balance. It facilitates circumspection (prudence), bringing careful deliberation and prudent vigilance to spiritual or material work necessary for one’s progression. It gives great strength and forcefulness, allowing for any discordance to be eliminated and for the determination of the nature of any conflict to be explored. It unites the properties of initiative and independence, producing a circular energy which penetrates from the crown to the base chakra. It enhances nutritional stabilization within the body to improve the digestive processes and related organs. It eliminates toxins and inflammation, decreasing disease.

Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian is a “stone of purity”, both purifying and balancing the body, mind and spirit. It allows one to recognize unnecessary life patterns and change them. It stimulates surrender to the meditative state and promotes a sensitivity to the most vital powers of the universe – love and beauty. It can be used to smooth the skin and clear the eyes. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Obsidian.

Snakeskin Agate
Snakeskin Agate, in addition to the properties of Agate, provides for strength during times of activity and promotes a pleasant personality via both inner peace and the recognition of the joy of living. It brings cheerfulness to the inner emotional systems, facilitating the outward manifestation of the love of life and the love and respect of the self. It eliminates mundane worries and concerns, promoting both self-esteem and self-awareness. It has been used to initiate the movement of the Kundalini. Like Nundoorite, it can be consciously directed to assist one in becoming lost in a crowd or fading into the background. It has been used in the treatment of hearing problems and stomach disorders. It also can successfully diminish wrinkles and soothe the skin.

Sodalite encourages self-esteem, self-trust, and trust in others, releasing one from co-dependency. It is an excellent stone for groups providing fellowship and commonality of purpose. It enhances truthfulness in emotions and allows for the expression of true feelings. It allows one to both know and speak the truth. It assists one in “knowing” sacred laws and dispels insomnia.

Spessartite Garnet
Spessartite Garnet brings an energy in the form of a very rapid vibration which extends in effectiveness into one’s subtle bodies, as well as into one’s higher bodies. When one is attracted to spessartite, it is a very strong indication that their consciousness is ready to both absorb and assimilate the higher levels of the inner dynamics of growth and structural balance. It can be used to initiate analytical processes of the mind, bringing precise independence in discovery, and facilitating exploration within both the higher analytical and rational realms. It has been used in the treatment of lactose and soy intolerance, deficiencies in calcium and magnesium metabolism.

Sphalerite provides for the growth of psychic abilities, teaching one to “be one’s own psychic.” It balances the male/female aspect of the personality. It assists one in changing vocation, and can induce serving aspects as a lifework, if desired. It promotes the recognition of treachery and deceit, providing protection from negative forces when dealing with the public.

Spinel is a “stone of immortality”, bringing renewal to all endeavors and rejuvenation to that which is degrading. It exudes the energy of beauty, enhancing one’s appearance and positive personality traits. It assists in obtaining, maintaining, and accepting victory with humility. It comes in a full range of colors, and when it is placed upon the appropriate chakra it heals disorders of that area.

Spirit Quartz
Spirit Quartz enhances the energy and properties of other minerals. It provides insights into family and community problems, bringing a cohesiveness and willingness to work together. It also enhances harmony and peace in groups. It acts to dissipate energy disturbances and replaces disorganized energy with a stable reliable energy. It allows one to see the duality of their nature. It is a wonderful companion when experiencing the loss of a loved-one.

Staurolite is referred to as the “Fairy Cross” and is a talisman of good luck. It provides overpowering relief from stress, and eliminates depression, addictive personality traits, and over-extension of one’s time. It assists in smoking cessation, as it provides a grounding energy similar to that of tobacco.

Stibnite is a totem for the wolf, bringing fidelity in relationships, stimulating endurance in all matters, and enhancing speed in astral travel – like the wolf. It increases understanding between oneself and the animal and plant kingdoms. It is a “stone to stabilize one’s economy”, providing for fulfillment of one’s needs along with some desires. It relieves rigidity and stiffness.

Stichtite brings a calming peace to the environment where it resides. It provides for flexibility and openness in opinions and for faithfulness in promises. It provides companionship for those who are alone and positive behavior modification for children. Further, it assists one in being gentle with oneself and others. It is useful in regeneration of skin and increasing the expansion and elasticity of skin during pregnancy.

Stilbite is a member of the Zeolite group. In addition to the properties listed in Zeolite, it provides a powerful loving energy in creativity and intuitive endeavors, grounding these in the user. It further synthesizes the manifestation of creativity with actions that are guided intuitively. It enhances fun during gatherings and has been used in gridding to stabilize areas of unrest.

Striped Flintstone
Striped Flintstone is found in only one location on the earth – on the Vistula River in Poland. It is composed of opal, chalcedony, & organic material. It was used by Neolithic man in ritual and by the ancient Greeks for protection. It assists one in feeling their connection to nature as well as an increased life force. It rejuvenates the skin, especially of the face & neck.

Sugilite is the “love stone of this age”, vibrating the spiritual love of All That Is into earth consciousness. It opens the link between health in the mind and body and attracts healing power. It assists in releasing hostility, and in forgiving oneself and others. It protects against the harsh realities of this world and assists in remembering why one is here, in a body on Earth. It assists one in expressing their gifts to the world. It instills inspiration, confidence, and belief in oneself. At the heart chakra, Sugilite stimulates a resonant love that reflects the perfection of the Universe, which can be felt by others.

Sulphur promotes an abundance of energy and flashes of inspiration. It stimulates devotion toward the realization of the perfected self, gently melting the barriers blocking progress. It assists in removing negative willfulness and eliminates distracting thoughts and emotions. It synthesizes the energy of the 4 cardinal directions with Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Sunstone clears and energizes the chakras to provide brightness and freshness within them and an overall feeling of being squeaky clean. It gently removes etheric cords, returning them lovingly to the sender. It dissipates fear and stress, and increases vitality, independence, and originality. It provides “luck” in games and treats spinal problems.

Tanzanite stimulates the upper 3 chakras, bringing together all aspects of communication and psychic power. It generates visions of the higher spiritual realms and the ability to communicate these. It is a “stone of magic” providing perfect symmetry of personal power and actualization. It brings one’s will forward to support manifestation. It facilitates encounters with other-worldly beings and elucidates universal mysteries.

Tektites, General
Tektites are meteoritic glass from outer space generally named by the locality upon which they fall. They encourage the gathering of knowledge from one’s travels and travails of life. They are esteemed as a talisman of great power, bringing magical properties of the other worlds to the user, and providing protection and nurturing wherever they are placed. They also provide thought transmission from higher dimensions.

Thulite is a variety of Zoisite. In addition to the properties of Zoisite, it allows one to examine and integrate one’s dualistic nature with love and logic, providing insights into healing the imbalances and recognizing the divine personal nature. It increases one’s focus and direction in action while reducing vanity and conceit, allowing one to realize that outdated behaviors can now be released. It assists one in changing aspects of self that are no longer desired. It allows one to recognize one’s divine personal nature, thus supporting a healing outcome in many aspects of one’s life. It increases eloquence in one’s character. It assists in the treatment of calcium deficiencies and intestinal disturbances.

Tiffany Stone (from Judy Hall)
Tiffany stone is primarily composed of fluorite, hyalite opal, calcite, dolomite, quartz, chalcedony, and bertrandite. It is a high vibration and energy stone that opens the crown chakras and above, connecting one to highest guidance. It encourages persistence and following the soul’s path wherever that might lead. It supports one in becoming more open and receptive. It brings forth emotional strength to assist in transitions of all kinds and supports in the release of denied emotions. It fills the heart with unconditional love and encourages decluttering at every level. It enhances clear thought and mental acuity. Physically, it allows energy to flow freely through the meridians and chakra system, releasing blockages. It stimulates libido and strengthens bones and ligaments.

Tiger Eye: Golden, Red, and Hawk’s Eye
Tiger Eye synthesizes the energies of the Earth and the Sun, providing grounding, practicality, brightness, and optimism, even eliminating the “blues”. It generates soothing vibrations and peacefulness, providing clarity especially when organizing scattered details. It balances yin/yang energies in both hemispheres of the brain. It stimulates wealth and the stability required to maintain it. Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. Hawk’s Eye is blue/black tiger eye and is an excellent grounding stone. It dissolves restricted and negative thought patterns and ingrained behavior. It increases vision insight and psychic abilities.

Tiger Iron
Tiger Iron is comprised of Golden Tiger Eye, Jasper, and Hematite. In addition to the properties of these 3 minerals, it also assists in creative endeavors, promoting artistic abilities. It helps one to find havens of refuge when danger is perceived. It stimulates physical vitality by putting a “tiger in your tank”.


Topaz is a “stone of true love and success in all endeavors”.  It promotes individuality, creativity, and confidence in one’s decisions.  It replaces negativity with love and joyfulness. The alternating energy currents within it, act through the laws of attraction and manifestation, to enhance the manifestation process. It brings wealth and health to the user.

Tourmaline, General
Tourmaline clears, maintains, and stimulates all the chakras. It balances male/female energies, the mind, chakras, and auric field. It stimulates balance between the left and right sides of the brain and enhances cooperative efforts in the areas of creativity and healing. The striations present in tourmaline allow it to channel and direct energy. It encourages inspiration and self-confidence. It diminishes fear by promoting understanding.  View our Tourmaline here.

Transvaal Jade
Transvaal Jade is a variety of Grossular Garnet. In addition to the properties listed under Garnet and Grossular Garnet, it promotes one’s organizational qualities and provides insight for solutions to unresolved current problems and events which contain mystery. It assists one to “find the way through the maze” and provides guidance with respect to the worthiness of the trip. It can unite division in groups, organizations communities, and countries. It works on the level of the heart chakra to enhance the goodness and love within us all and to teach us again, the “brotherhood” of love. It has been used in the treatment of dysfunction due to trauma, disorders of the veins, restrictions in energy flow, and problems of the heart (both physically and emotionally) and irregularities in the area of the throat.

Tremolite has been used as a matrimonial stone, bringing a secure bonding between partners. It is a lovely stone for a wedding gift. It has been used to release emotional “baggage”. When one returns from the “Land of Denial” and moves to baggage claim, that baggage will not be on the carousel!!! Tremolite is a territorial stone and conveys the force of the region of the Earth in which it resides, while creating an energy vortex there as well. When used in gridding (including on maps) it can balance chaotic locations and even diminish the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It has been used in the treatment of Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies, to promote assimilation of these minerals. It has been used to assist in stabilizing nervousness, shakiness, and those diseases related to these symptoms.

Triplite (from Judy Hall) is the perfect stone for overcoming energetic depletion and kick-starting creativity. Triplite is named after the Greek ‘triplos’ due to its tendency to cleave in three directions. It is a rare phosphate mineral. Highly energetic, boosting the flow of kundalini and Chi throughout the body, it stimulates the base and sacral chakras and enhances the flow of life force to all parts of the body, physical and subtle. If you’re feeling low energy and need motivation, triplite will assist you to overcome heaviness and weariness. This stone enhances self-confidence, clears negative thoughts, brings protection, and encourages you to act on your goals. It is excellent for overcoming depletion and severe fatigue.

Trolleite is a combination of Quartz, Lazulite, Scorzalite, and occasionally Lepidolite, initially discovered in Sweden over a hundred years ago. More recent pockets have been found in Brazil. In addition to the properties of these minerals, Trolleite allows one the calmness to explore the clarity and expansiveness of life, the earth, and the universe, so as to enable connection to our higher consciousness and spirituality. It is a rare high-vibrational ascension stone that facilitates meditation. Its energetic field of tranquil serenity envelops one during meditation and encourages the release of the distractions of the world, and of old habits. It alleviates stress and imbues us with a sense of purpose. It can also help us to sleep, and to remember our dreams better. Trolleite amplifies sensitivity and intuition, and encourages self-discipline, ethics, and personal responsibility. It supports mental and emotional focus, so it is easier to embrace independence and accountability, and set and attain goals. It helps us to live in harmony with others and to solve problems with a clear mind, while protecting us from outside influence to ensure that we can see our path with clarity. Encouraging us to listen and to communicate clearly, Trolleite lends support and courage, so it is easier to tell the truth and to speak from the heart. It encourages tolerance and allows us the wisdom to see others with compassion, and to accept their strengths and weaknesses, and learn from them with an open heart. On a physical level, Trolleite helps with headaches, migraines, reduced vision, speech or pronunciation problems, sense of smell, motion sickness, strengthening hair and nails, nerve pain, sciatica, and neuralgia.

Tsavorite Garnet
Tsavorite Garnet was not officially reported until 1975! Tsavorite Garnet is a variety of Grossular Garnet. In addition to the properties listed under Garnet and Grossular Garnet, it directs one to “know thyself”, and to “look within” to see the hidden beauty withing the self and within others who grace one’s life. Tsavorite provides for a connection with the higher planes, facilitating contact with the spiritual world, enhancing channeling, and producing visions. It stimulates the knowledge within the Inner (subconscious) Self, that each person is the ruler of his/her own destiny, and that this ruling must be accomplished with love, or the ruler forfeits the position. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the senses: hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch, and thought.

Turquoise strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. It is a master healer and can bring any, and all energies, to a higher level. It can be used to improve communication, spiritual attunement, grounding, and protection. It improves meditation and furthers peace of mind. It stimulates the initiation of romantic love. It strengthens the entire body and ameliorates all dis-eases and disorders, including headaches.

Unikite is an epidote-rich granite containing orthoclase. It balances the emotional body, aligning it with the higher forces of spirituality. It facilitates the rebirthing process, gently releasing those conditions that have inhibited one’s growth and actions. It assists one in going beneath the symptoms of physical dis-ease to find the root cause underlying the condition. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Epidote.

Uvarovite Garnet
Uvarovite Garnet assists one to recognize the endless nature of the soul, which can result in living with connectedness to “All That Is”. It bestows peace, quiet, and solitude, without loneliness. It promotes clarity in the mental processes, stimulates the heart chakra, and provides for enhancement of relationships. It assists one in staying cool in the midst of heat, turmoil or even another’s anger. It encourages loyalty and patriotism to one’s path, family, friends, and country. It has been used in the treatment of acidosis, disorders of the heart and lungs, leukemia, toxin removal, and kidney and bladder infections and disorders. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Garnet.

Uvite Tourmaline
Uvite Tourmaline stimulates, activates, and opens the base, heart, and crown chakras, while producing a grounding effect on the total being. It balances the male/female energies, bringing forth clarity and clear spirit while equilibrating one’s temperament. It stimulates and balances the left/right brain enhancing creative and healing endeavors. It assists one to concentrate upon one’s breathing and to live in one’s own actions, ever present, ever mindful of one’s actions. It eliminates negativity from one’s environment and oneself. It assists in releasing the concept of being a victim, bringing fortitude and calm, while retaining awareness. It is the “super activator” of the protective instincts of one’s nature. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the intestinal tract, nervous system, heart, lungs, and dysfunctions of the emotional system. It reduces skin spots and stimulates the immune system and the growth of plants. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Tourmaline.

Vanadinite promotes a deep state of meditation, and it creates a clear center flowing from the crown, thru the core of the body, to the feet. This stimulates all the chakras, bringing a deep peace within the soul, and an alignment with the “optimum” self, whose energy is transferred to the cellular structures of the body. It promotes order, helping one to define goals, and pursue them in an orderly motivated manner. It treats exhaustion and asthma.

Variscite connects and aligns the ethereal nervous system with the physical one, allowing for the needs of the physical to be met. It stimulates the heart chakra, bringing love with reasoning to all situations. It provides courage and tenacity when caretaking an invalid. It regenerates the elasticity of the skin.

Vesuvianite provides for easy access to the Higher Self and awareness of that which is important for spiritual advancement. It promotes loyalty and cooperation, an excellent gift for newlyweds and business associates. It assists those endeavoring to invent and discover. It clears negative thought patterns, dispels anger, banishes depression, and allays fear.

Viking Balls
Viking Balls are siliceous algae and are Fossils formed 65 million years ago. They provide courage and strength in times of danger. They have increased athletic abilities to assure winning in competitions and even arguments and to further one’s prowess in action. One will never be lonely with the energies of the Viking Ball. They help remove negativity from one’s thoughts and actions, and never need to be cleansed.

Villiaumite is part of the Halite group with a hardness of 2 – 2.5. It assists in dispelling negative thoughts, fear of loss and separation, anxiety due to lack of love, and the need for approval. During healing work, it brings forth a sense of security and safety. It is a “stone for the mind” assisting one to dispense of nonbeneficial ideas, bringing common sense and rationality. It purifies the mind and creates a secure foundation so that self-resolve is instilled. It has excellent energy for dispelling trauma. It has been used in the treatment of erratic heartbeat, toxin release from the pancreas, and clearing sciatica pain.

Vivianite conveys both love and the inspiration for life. It produces a glowing and pulsating beauty to the user. It is a “stone for goal setting”, assisting in attaining them. It assists one in recognizing that an optimistic goal may always be achieved over the obstacles of reality and the reflections of memory. It assists in the study of crop circles. It assists in iron assimilation, decreasing free radicals in the body, the alignment of the spine, and to treat degeneration of the iris of the eyes.

Wagnerite is also a rare phosphate mineral. It can stimulate good-natured-ness, humor, and laughter. It facilitates ease of movement. It provides useful “signals” with respect to matters of love, so promoting honest relationships governed by love. It has been used in the treatment of disorder of elimination from body or mind, and water retention. It enhances the absorption of minerals within the blood stream and assists in diagnosing infections.

Waterfall Quartz/Smokey, Rose & Clear
Waterfall Quartz dispels and protects against depression and despondency. It assists in stimulating analytical capabilities and precision. It awakens inherent talents and eliminates erratic and careless behavior. It is a “stone for dreaming”, bringing flashes of insight through dreams. It can be used in treatments of motor capabilities, orderly growth of tissues, and to control body temperature and fevers.

Wavellite assists one in looking at the whole picture, prior to making a decision. It helps one to manage difficult situations and provides information to the Inner Self such that one can recognize both the direct and indirect methods of accomplishing a task. It is effective during periods of both the new moon and full moon to increase intuitive abilities and to activate inner knowledge.

Wulfenite promotes the acceptance of the existence of the negative aspects in the world, allowing one to recognize the issues and prevent the roadblocks to impede or limit progress towards development. This also allows one to recognize the authoritative game of this plane and to continue despite the potential limitations. It is useful for connecting to higher beings, and the Higher Self. It has been used for preservation and rejuvenation on all levels.

Yellow Fluorite
Yellow Fluorite stimulates the intellect and dispels confusion, distraction, bewilderment, & any disorderliness of thought. It supports intellectual pursuits, logical thinking, and the precision required for each situation, even in the creative realm! It stabilizes group energy, promoting cooperation between members. It enables one to recognize the connective structure of love among and between all that exists. It is also excellent for amelioration of post-apocalyptic trauma! Another useful quality is that it assists in finding things that one has “lost”. In addition, it has all the properties listed under Fluorite.

Yttrium Fluorite
Yttrium Fluorite is a calcium fluoride that also has the rare earth element, Yttrium, replacing some of the calcium cations. It has all the properties of fluorite except those regarding correcting disorganization (because it does not have the perfect cleavage that produces the octahedral formation). In addition to the other properties of fluorite, it assists in promoting increases in wealth and mental acuity. It initiates the state of self-fulfillment, bringing to fruition self-actualizing and manifesting characteristics. It supports one in remaining silent when silence is the “best” action, and to be quite verbal when it would further one to do so. It initiates the relief of nervous disorders (shakiness and not being able to sit still) making it a good stone for meditation. It can increase body temperature so assists with the chills and hypothermia. It has also been used in the treatment of unwanted growths on the skin.

Zebra Rock
Zebra Rock is a mixture of Quartz and Basinite. It is a “stone for the child within” bringing the courage to have fun without thinking about tomorrow. It brings compassion and understanding for others. It teaches that the eternal source of energy and love is ever available to increase one’s supply. It is an excellent stone for athletes as it stimulates physical energy, providing stamina, endurance, and the ability to win.

Zeolite is a group name for a framework of silicates with exchangeable cations; they are well-defined hydrous silicates. Zeolites assist in the improvement of the environment and etherically absorb toxic products and odors. (Gridding with Zeolites around waste dumps has also been effective.) They also improve agricultural pursuits. They have an excellent energy for Reiki, to further one’s actions and to stimulate the proper response to the energies applied. They have been used to dispel water retention, treat goiter, eliminate alcohol addictions, and to release toxins from the body.

Zincite is very beneficial when working with the lower three chakras as it provides for the synthesis of physical vitality, creativity, and personal power. It produces electrical currents within the body which assist in releasing energy blockages. It brings those of like-mind together and assists in building relationships. It improves the condition of the hair and skin.

Zircon is a “stone of virtue”, balancing one’s virtuous nature with universal forces. It symbolizes innocence, purity, and constancy in one’s heart, mind, being, actions, and relationships. It increases one’s hardiness and facilitates continuity in all endeavors. It treats disorders of the sciatic nerve and the nerve structures which lead away from the spine.
